Course Details & FAQ

The H27K course is a counterclockwise loop with approximately 18 miles and 4,200 feet of ascent (and descent). It will have two aid stations; the first is at approximately mile 7.5 at Pantoll Campground and the second is at approximately mile 14.5 at Cardiac Hill. It is a short 15 minute walk between the two aid stations. Note: Parking is very limited at Pantoll.

Offering runners with a little bit of everything from fast double track and fire roads to start, three 1,000-plus foot interspersed climbs, twisty descents with roots, rocks and stairs (many of them!), as well as two dozen switchbacks in the final mile to the finish line. Compared to other GTWS races, the H27K will be quite fast as we are not at altitude and most of the climbs are quite runnable. There are some exposed sections, but much of the stunning course is under deep Redwood Tree canopy, one of the hallmarks of running in Marin County. We expect the winning men's time to be around 2 hours and the women to be right on their proverbial heels (but don’t forget, the women race on Saturday, 9/14 and the men go on Sunday, 9/15).

We will have standard aid station fare (various sodas, water, fruit, snacks, Skratch Labs Hydration and various GU Energy Gels). You can be crewed here by friends. Download the course GPX file here.


-September in the greater Bay Area can still be quite warm and is known as “second summer” so plan accordingly. There are sections of shade on course, a few creek crossings, and the start/finish at Santos Meadow is just a mile from the beach so we may experience coastal fog, too.

Cancellation Policy:

-All registrations are not refundable, however, we will allow you to defer your registration to 2025 if notified before September 1st, 2024.

Course Time Limit:

-4.5 hours (12:30p) approximately 15:53 min/mile pace. You must reach the Pantoll AS (approximately mile 7.5) by 10a to continue. Both Sat/Sun races start at 8a PDT.

No Course Cutting:

-All runners must stay on the designated course/trail at all times. Cutting corners or using alternate routes for any reason is grounds for disqualification and will be made at sole discretion of the H27K event staff.

Pregnancy Deferral:

-Please contact us at headlandsrace @ and we will happily defer your registration to 2025.

Non-binary Athletes:

-May enter either the women’s race on Saturday or the men’s race on Sunday. Complete non-binary results will be compiled after Sunday’s race is finished.

Awards & Prize Money:

-See the GTWS prize money rules. We will have awards for age group winners, mid-pack, and rising stars (final finisher). We have REI gift cards for Age Group Winners (19 & under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+).

Doping Control:

-We believe in clean sport and will have USADA onsite drug testing under WADA code. Any athlete banned by the International Association of Athletics Federations, World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), US Anti-Doping Agency, or any national sports federation is prohibited from competing.


-Are allowed, but please be considerate of other runners and be safe. If you start with them, you must finish with them.

Poison Oak:

-There is poison oak on nearly all of the trails. Tecnu is a sponsor and each participant will receive a Detox Wipe at bib pick-up. If you are sensitive to it, we suggest covering your limbs.


-Are discouraged, but allowed if of the bone conduction type or in just one ear. We prefer you enjoy the birds and bees out on the trails :).


-Stash your trash and pick-up any trash you see on course! Be good stewards.


-We love them, but they are not allowed at Santos Meadow.

Land Acknowledgement:

-We honor and recognize that we gather for this event on the traditional lands of the Native American Miwok tribe, who have occupied and stewarded these lands for countless generations.

Unforeseen Act of God/Disaster: 

-The safety of our participants, volunteers, and spectators is of utmost importance and the Headlands Race reserves the right to cancel or postpone the event due to weather, smoke, force majeure, or other unsafe conditions that may impact the safety of everyone. Permits to hold the event are also subject to Mt. Tam States Parks and the National Park Service - Golden Gate Recreation Area approval and they have the right to revoke permits at any time. Secondary to fixed costs of organizing this event, refunds will not be given in the event of cancellation. Every effort to fairly resolve unforeseen cancellations will be made.